Contractor Services
Our contractors meet all primary work requirements such as:
- Possessing an active work license
- Social security number
- A minimum of three references
- A good recommendation from past work
- Provision of proof of bond, liability insurance, and workers’ compensation coverage
Our Contractors Do It All!
Prime Remodeling’s contractors can handle all of your needs. Whether you require the assistance of a landscaper, an electrician, a builder, or a designer, we’ve got you covered. When you work with Prime Remodeling, you get access to an entire team of licensed professionals. We pride ourselves on the variety and quality of our work, and we’re committed to working together for the best results.
It Doesn’t Matter if Your Project Is Big or Small.
Do you need a paint job for a single room, or are you in the market for building a completely new construction? It doesn’t matter the size of your project. Our contractors at Prime Remodeling are trained to handle a wide variety of tasks, from simple to complex. Trust us to be dependable and deliver high-quality work for every project you throw our way. Prime Remodeling’s team is ready to help you with anything and everything!
Our Contractors Know Communication is Key.
Prime Remodeling’s contractors understand the renovation process can be a stressful time for you and your family. Part of ensuring your comfort throughout project completion is keeping you in the loop. Count on us to communicate with you each and every step of the way. Questions? Just ask. We’re happy to resolve any concerns you may have. We’ll never keep you guessing about project progress.
We’ll Show Up to Work Smiling.
Renovation projects are stressful enough without throwing grumpy contractors into the mix. Our expertise, communication, and work ethic are surpassed only by our attitudes. Prime Remodeling’s contractors are not only amazing at what they do, but they’re pleasant to work with as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
I Want Special Materials for My Project. Should I Order Them Ahead of Time?
Yes, absolutely. While special materials like imported tile are amazing additions to a remodeling project, they often take a long time to ship. We suggest ordering any special materials ahead of time before contacting us. This ensures we won’t have to leave a project half-finished for weeks because of shipping delays.
Should I Apply for Permits Ahead of Time?
If you want a project done quickly, get things done ahead of time. That way we can start right away. While it’s not a requirement you get your permits before contacting us, we recommend it. However, we’re happy to help you obtain the necessary permits if you’re unsure about the process.
Do I Need Permits for Small Remodeling Projects?
No. Small projects like painting and reflooring do not require permits.
High-Quality Home Renovation Projects in Houston, Texas